The costs for buying a property in Spain can be broadly taken as 12.5% of the declared price. Quite often it is less than this but if you budget for this figure you are unlikely to get any nasty surprises.
The additional costs involved, including taxes and stamp duty, are summarised below. These will vary according to the type of property and region.
VAT (Impuesto de Transmissiones Patrimoniales / ITP): 10% plus stamp duty of 1.5% - 2% of declared price.
Transfer Tax (Impuesto de Transmissiones Patrimoniales / ITP): 10% plus 0.5% tax for transferring property to your name.
Normally 1% of purchase price + 21% IVA.
In the same way the purchase has to be inscribed in front of a notary, the mortgage deed must also be inscribed and the notary will make a charge for this.
Law establishes these costs as a percentage of the mortgage liability and as such 67.61 euro plus between 0.0338% to 0.023%.
These costs also are established as a percentage of the mortgage liability and are 18.03 euro plus between 0.131% to 0.015%.
Normally between 1% to 1.5% of the mortgage amount.
Paid to bank. Based on sliding scale and calculated as a percentage of the valuation, it is normally in the region of 300 to 700 euros. For larger properties the rate can become 1% of the valuation.
When planning your Spanish purchase it is vitally important to plan the timing and movement of your deposit monies from the UK to Spain – maximizing exchange rates makes your money go further.
For further information see our maximising your deposits page
Please contact us for more information
0845 0945 111
Apartado de Correos 1025
Marbella Suc 1 (Hipercor)
29660 Nueva Andalucia
Malaga, Spain